Why we have an API?

Welcome to the 2PEAK API! Our API enables third-party developers to build applications using 2PEAK's Dynamic Training Platform. You are free to build for the Web, desktops, or mobile devices. Learn how the authentication works and then read the documentation to get started. Please read our API Guidelines before getting started.


Monetize your app by creating personalized dynamic and adaptive training plans!
The 2PEAK API allows developers to connect with everything 2PEAK offers. From uploading activities to creating state of the art personal dynamic and adaptive training plans, the 2PEAK API opens a new world.

Having trouble coming up with an idea for an app? Here are some things we would love to see built:

- Mobile clients: develop mobile apps for iPhone, Android, Windows Phone and other devices
- Nutrition: integrate calories burned from 2PEAK trainings with intake from a nutrition site
- Bulk import: import your history from other services (Nike+, Garmin, other online logs)
- Connected Objects : integrate 2PEAK in any connected object you can think of

No limits... unless your imagination is !

Contact us to get your API access

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App Name:


API usage description:

Radsport Trainingsplan | Triathlon Trainingsplan | Laufsport Trainingsplan | Langlauf Trainingsplan | Mountainbike Trainingsplan